Go Green

This fall, The Cliff Resort & Residences is going to be more special than ever. Not only being able to submerge yourself in the nature’s fresh air, you can also join a meaningful environment protection campaign when spending your time here.

주소: 5, Phu Hai ward, Phan Thiet city, Binh Thuan provice - 800000 - Phan Thiet - Viet Nam 일자: 시작 수신 시간: 시작 수신 전화번호: (84 - 252) 3719 111 - (84) 1900 0394 이메일: reservation@thecliffresort.com.vn 웹사이트: thecliffresort.com.vn/home/ 트위터: twitter.com/TheCliffVietnam 페이스북: www.facebook.com/TheCliffVietnam/ 구글 플러스: plus.google.com/+TheCliffResortResidencesTpPhanThi%E1%BA%BFt
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